Prestigious Magazine MONACO MADAME, edition December 2017- February 2018 available now in Monaco and France Metropolitaine.
Created in 2001, the Principality’s first women’s magazine is a quarterly reflection of the world of luxury, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, well-being and people associated with Monaco. I thank for fantastic press release we had in the edition in September 2017 and for the exceptional & unforgettable EVENT MONACO MADAME’S NIGHT in Monaco and A LA PAGODA in Paris by EPI Comminication Monte Carlo. #monacomadame #montecarlo #paris #luxurylifestyle #luxuryevents #eventsandfashion
Many prestigious events é lifestyle travels coming up during 2018. Follow us on FB, Instagram or our this official website
Monaco Madame Edition December 2017-February 2018

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